Many say that a car is a valuable item that must be protected as well as possible. So don’t be confused if the presence of the best car insurance in Indonesia is used by some 4-wheeled vehicle owners as protection.
With insurance, cars that are chronically destroyed due to negligence or accidents can be repaired immediately.
You don’t even need to really spend money, because everything is covered by the insurance company. In Indonesia, the number of car insurance suppliers varies greatly.
There are new companies to the most popular old companies you can define. However, are all insurance providers really trusted and qualified?
Not sure, because not all car insurance providers use the same mechanism. In fact, there are quite a few irresponsible car insurance providers who are only looking to profit from their customers.
Finding insurance may not be as difficult as finding money, but that doesn’t mean you have to look for carelessly without thinking about the causes and consequences.
Also Read: The 5 Best Private Health Insurance Apart from BPJS in Indonesia in 2022
List of the 5 Best Car Insurance for 2022

In order not to suffer losses due to using fraudulent insurance companies, choose from one of the following seven best car insurance suppliers in 2022, what are the best car insurances?
1. JP-Astor : Jasaraharja Putera Car Insurance
It is one of the best insurance companies that has been around for a long time, dating back to 1993. This insurance has successfully offered a variety of insurance products, including car insurance, which its customers know as JP-Astor.
When compared to the various insurance products regulated by Jasaraharja, JP-Astar’s premium costs are cheaper. The facilities offered by Jasaraharja Putera are very diverse. It has even offered digital facilities for the payment process or claim process.
2. AXA Auto Insurance
The next best car insurance product for 2022 is an insurance product enhanced by AXA. This product is more favored by AXA customers because it has four facilities, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages.
For example, a comprehensive program or TLO which provides collateral for various risks.
When the car is destroyed or scratched due to chaos, floods, earthquakes and even the car keys are missing too. All will be assisted by AXA Auto Insurance. AXA will provide material compensation to customers whose car can be proven to be in an accident.
3. Autocilin Auto Insurance – Best
Who does not recognize Adira. This funding company offers relief to customers in the financing process for the various motorbikes they buy. Whatever brand you want, everything can be done well through Adira.
Interestingly, in addition to offering funding facilities, Adira also offers Autocilin Auto Insurance facilities. Insurance programs that provide support to customers protect their cars from various risks of damage.
Becoming an Adira customer in the Autocilin Auto Insurance program will provide you with various business transaction conveniences. The pick-up and delivery facilities for the car to the car service center are included. This is why Adira is considered one of the best car insurance in Indonesia.
4. Best Car Insurance from Allianz Indonesia
Allianz has long been known as a trusted insurance company that offers the best insurance programs including car insurance. Allianz offers several types of car insurance. One of them is Allianz MobilKu Grand, Allianz MobilKu Non Package, and Allianz MobilKu ECO.
Each insurance has different features but the same provides protection for your car. One of the advantages of using MobilKu insurance is the easiest and fastest claim process, Allianz facilitates this via SMS.
5. Simasnet: The Best Insurance for Cars from Sinarmas
Since 1968, the Sinarmas company has been known as a vegetable oil refinery company. But after 1982, this company moved more broadly until it was recognized as a financial service supply company.
Not enough to get there, now Sinarmas has entered the insurance sector and is counted as one of the best companies today.
Simasnet as the best car insurance product introduced and regulated by Sinarmas. Similar to the previous insurance products, Sinarmas offers a variety of car insurance programs that will really benefit its customers.
One of the advantages of being a Sinarmas car insurance customer is that claims are easy and fast.